"Thank you for responding so quickly - I wish you much success with future endeavors.. I appreciate your customer service (Maureen is excellent - best in the business)..."


Thank you for the helicopter rules... I am playing Khe Sahn (with some home made components), along with the Thumper gunner...
Good games that keep me out of trouble... :) Hope Hue will come soon. :)
Thank you!


Thanks for the quick delivery of the available half of my latest order - looking forward to balance!

PS theDTW map is gorgeous!
Bill G.


Hi Ray,
many thanks for the kind reply.
I'm an ASL player (still learning to be honestEmoji)

Best wishes

Alan H.



This is really just a quick pat on the back for all the new and upcoming releases, along with your continued efforts to produce great products. As usual, Critical Hit is going where others fear to tread - well done!

I also had to chime in about how much I enjoy the Friday emailers. The last one with the nostalgia and background about your family was really poignant, and it was very nice of you to go out of your way to share those thoughts and pictures about your family. I do not see this kind of personalization with any other wargaming company, and that is yet another reason Critical Hit is truly unique.

>There was no Yelp review, no whining, just getting a job done.<

LOL I really enjoy when you "lay it on the line" like this. Way to go for keeping it real!

And, of course, an email of praise wouldn't be complete without a tip of the hat to Maureen - for all her help in getting the product out to us. ;-)

So my thanks to you and the entire Critical Hit crew! :)

- All Best!

T. (and L.) D.

PS. No need to respond back to this, as I am sure you are very busy. I just wanted to take the time to let you know your efforts are really appreciated. Because Critical Hit is part of what makes this hobby both enjoyable, as well as a great learning experience.


Super. Thanks! I placed another order for a rulebook. Now off to look at core modules!


Hi Ray,

Thanks for the prompt response – other e-mail arrived safely and have already downloaded the ruleset.



This worked perfectly ... thank-you very much and have a great weekend!


Hi Ray, thank you for the tribute to our "old men" today.

My father was an Air Force sarge back in the early '50s, a crewman on a B-36, which was the forerunner to the B-52 as our A-Bomb strike force...an enormous plane, with "six props turnin' and four jets burnin'" as he liked to say. He was in during Korea, and if we had bombed Beijing he would have been part of the mission. Thankfully that mission never happened...
He passed almost two years ago, in the State of Alabama veterans home.
Cancer killed him, but his love of life and country were never extinguished.
Thank you for keeping the memories of our fathers alive through the the excellent historical studies (a/k/a games) you're producing.
Wishing you a restful and contemplative Memorial Day weekend,

Your friend,
Alan S.
Atlanta GA

Thanks for the awesome support. I’ll make sure to buy more stuff J


Ordered! Thanks. I’ve been looking forward to these.


That works for me, Ray. It’s 142.
I do apologize for the glitch and time taken.
Thank you for such good attention.




The new AFV cards for ATS are fantastic. The entire presentation takes the game system up an additional notch - which I didn't think was likely.

With the nationalities grouped together it now becomes an option to place full sheets into a binder without worrying about hindering play between opponents.

Thank you (again) for keeping our hobby going!


Thanks very much indeed.

Saludos / Regards,

Antonio M.


I love what you are doing (BRL 1192). Will be ordering the entire line! Cheers,


Hello Ray,

Trust you all are keeping warm and busy!

Received AFV cards last week. Beautiful! So much easier for my tired old eyes than either the counters themselves or the standard AFV cards. Love the colour coding of the special ammunition in particular.

Bring on the Brits, Itais, and French for North African action! Japs too but they can wait given the quality and quantity of their armour :)


A plea for a mapless PTO modules package for ATS. I bought the ASL/Comp versions before I figured out that from now on there will be both ASLComp and ATS versions of the modules. I'd rather play ATS any day.

Thanks again for your tireless efforts.


Hi Maureen,

Thanks again, these are FANTASTIC products. The Civil War and WWI series are amazing.





Wow. That is an ambitious endeavor. Love the scope of it although obviously different folks will prefer different parts of it.

I'm wondering how they will play using ASLCOMP pieces with GWATS rules. ..at least those with few tanks.

Good luck with the project.



Thank you again. I am one of the great unwashed masses who loves ATS. I don't post on websites or have an internet presence. I just play wargames with a couple of old farts and ATS is our go to game. Thanks for all you do,
PS Glad to see the old ats back,,TT ats didn't make the cut with 60 year old eyes.


Ray the annual is great. The counters and maps are great!




Thanks so much for your superb customer service. You folks are the greatest!



Also meant to compliment you for coming out with terrain-ed maps for more "rough" areas of the desert rather than relying on "hundreds" of overlays.

More of that please...especially for Tunisia... :)


Dear Ray,

First of all thanks for the update. When I try to unzip the VATS file it asks for a password which i am to stupid to find in your mail or am i not allowed to use it ? Can you please help?


S. J.

>> Wow, help received almost as soon as I sent the email, that was fast!


Hi Ray,

One of the advantages of your Friday emails is that it helps individuals like me realize that CH is working on multiple projects for multiple game systems. Very easy to put the blinders on and forget that it isn't strictly an ATS or ASL company, not strictly WWII, etc.

I hope you enjoy what your doing enough to make retirement a "far in the future" concept.


Hello Ray,

I just honoured the seller’s Paypal request for the game, please stand as I’ll forward you his email shipping notification to your address.

Again, you have my HEARTFELT thanks for your precious help > without you, this purchase would have been never possible!

All the best


Hi Ray:

Well, I finally got around to downloading the VATS module you sent me a few months ago. I am just learning VASSAL and it has taken me a bit of time to get organized.

Keep up the good work.




Hello, just wanted to say thank you for so many great products. Along with all of the new modules that you are coming up with, I personally love the large size hexes and the large folding panels. I picked up things that I do not play normally just because I like the maps. I also bought Annual 2 and am very happy for all of the Sasl material in it. I also really like the newer batches of counters, I almost have enough to switch over to them. Really like the ap geo boards too. I'm hoping you get time to show pictures like you did for the last Emailer for most all of your products. Only other option is to ask on gamesquad which is good and bad. I play Sasl mostly and very rarely do I get ftf, which we usually just dyo. Early in the 2000's I played a little of a bridge too far with Larry Winslow. Sorry to be so long winded. Just wanted to give you an atta boy. K.


Here is my latest. Just got UBER Berlin. Looks great Don't know what doc you can read so here are both formats.



Hi Ray,

Thanks for all of your great Customer Service and production of new Games for the ATS Fans! I am trying to replace some of my ATS Games that I was forced to sell due to a major Crisis where I had to go provide Caregiving for my Mother, who lives a long way away from us. I really appreciate your continued support of the best Tactical Gaming System in the World (ATS), in my Opinion. Please keep making more ATS Product, and I will be there, as I can afford it, to support you all!!!



Right on, I get it. I own a small business myself. I'm glad you keep up the good work, hopefully I can put up some pictures on gamesquad to help others see. Thanks


Hi Maureen and Ray,

I just got your all of the Games that I ordered from you in the Mail, and they are beautiful! They are going to be a pleasure to get into!!! Regarding the ATS - Iwo Jima Hill 362A Module, the back Cover says that it should come with 8 Scenarios. Thanks again for all of your great Work, and please keep it coming. I will continue to support your fine Company, as I can afford to; you are Great!!!



Guys are praising large ATS hexes:


Your efforts to resolve me the problem it’s really appreciated and I’ll become a “fixed” customer for your new items. The Uber Berlin and Omaha maps was simply stunning to my eyes.


"[NAME] and myself played one of your scenarios at ASLOK and there were a number of people that were surprised by your stuff and admitted they had bad mouthed it without ever seeing any. Some even went on to say that after looking through the huge box of stuff you shipped to me (to arrive) there (and save me overseas postage) that they would look more favourably towards it and buy things after seeing it."


I feel bad for trolls but that's because I met some at ASLOK ... yecch!!


Hi Ray-

Thanks for the emailer, appreciate the fact that you let us know what's cooking on your end. Pre ordered [GAME] from {COMPANY] back in November and maybe a bit of info on its progress once in a blue moon.

Anyway, what happened to the plan of coming out with nationality OB's?


I am the happiest man on the planet!

Sent from my iPhone

> On Mar 22, 2016, at 2:45 PM, Maureen Customer Service <maureen.criticalhit@yahoo.com> wrote:
> Dear [Name]:
> Your orders# ##### have been processed and the following have shipped to you today:
> Your USPS delivery confirmation# is #############################.
> Thanks!
> Maureen-Customer Service


Subject: Love It

Great job on the new modules, awesome maps , large hexes and really large hexes. Eagerly anticipating new Nordic twilight, ruweisat Ridge, fateful stand, and peleliu. Plus any new ones you are coming up with. Love your friday emails, another reason to look forward to Friday. Just need more time to use them. Thanks again.


Ray-you have done a great thing keeping Tobruk alive and expanding it. I use models in my gaming. Looking forward to fighting the French in Torch. Thanks. F.


Received the modules and the Leatherneck Scenarios yesterday. Thanks to you and please pass my regards to Maureen.

The modules are excellent and I can't wait to charge with FT-17's or try to get Cher Ami of table with his life saving message. Well done!


Thanks Ray! She took care of it. Very satisfied with your company.




I know we are both fans of Eddie Allbert's acting in Attack. Don't recall if you are up on his real life Tarawa actions. He really played against type and probably knew that type first hand.

A while back the Naval Institute released a series of books about stars in the military, first navy and marine corps, then army and air force. Bought them for my Dad, and we both enjoyed them immensely,

Anyway here is a little treat for all of your hard work :)



We have started playing Tobruk at my hobby shop and it is a big hit! We played on the largest table and sent the Games Workshop 40K players downstairs! A first for Elite Hobbies & Models. Hopefully this will translate into more orders for you.

Reporting from the Geek Front,


Hi Ray,

I've been thinking about adding to my copy of Berlin Red Victory by picking up the new Uber Monsters (ATS Berlin 1 Uber Monster and/or ATS Berlin 2 Uber Monster). What has caught my attention is the possibility of using the Uber maps as more granular tactical maps when the Red Victory game becomes crowded with units. The larger hexes on the new maps should be a great benefit. Considering how impressive the artwork is on the Red Victory map, an expanded view would probably be spectacular. Best of both worlds since the Uber maps would be used for counter dense situations while the Red Victory map's smaller footprint would make the full engagement more manageable.

And, with the added scenarios that come with the Uber games this gives the opportunity for a nearly complete immersion in the battle for Berlin on a tactical scale.


Hello folks,

Geez Louise, I have to apologize. My son had taken inside the box with the three missing games and placed it where I couldn't find it until now. So, I have the three games. Whew! It helped when I had signed-in to your website and reviewed the orders and cross-referenced the delivery dates and numbers. I'm glad that you have such a thorough system that your customers can reference.
Sorry for the drama.
I look forward to ordering some more items this weekend.


Parcel received with no incidence. It cleared customs OK.

Thanks, Maureen.

Saludos / Regards,



Thanks for the News Letter, much appreciated indeed. Anyway, looking forward to the next Annual and whatever else you might have on the horizon hint hint wink wink Point du hoc and the full SS OB in black.



Thank you very much for the nice coffee mug. It is real nice and will go good with all my gaming stuff.
I wish you and your family the best Christmas and a Happy New Year


Hey Ray;

Just wanted to write to say that I love the CH counters in the newer sets. I have just recently gotten back into ASLing after a long hiatus, and actually love the new CH counters. In fact, I think I like them better than the [COMPANY] ones, even the newer [COMPANY] ones that have larger graphics and print. The new CH counters are nicer, with color, easier to read (even the vehicle counters are easier to read). I might even play more with those than my official ones.

I'm quickly becoming a big ASLer CH fan. I like the fact that you are re-purposing much of your ATS stuff. I like ATS, but its nice to see it for ASL also.



Bought 'Tyrants Lair' from my local retailer. Brilliant. More please.


Finnish killerdrone:



Hairdressers speak on rude clients:


Hey Ray -
We lost 31-30, came down to the last possession basically.
Our kids played their worst game of the year, even our leading scorer played bad.
It is what it is, I was proud of them either way, would have just like to see a championship for them.

Next year!
Thank you, thank you.
His full name is Reese John Prencipe-E. -- John after my father-in-law.
To Ray Tapio,
I am very impressed by number and the quality of the components of my newly arrived Advanced Tobruk 2016. The large hexes are superb, the overlays are gorgeous.
Hi Ray!
Thanks for the extra map (in the local club it will help to bring rookies to pto by playing a Peleliu scenario with [company] counters while the elders will compete on the same with Puller, the CH art and so on, in order to comparate the two sessions...)

So this is the kind of awesomeness that I keep missing!

Ray, this is yet another example of why your Friday emailers are totally worth my effort in trying to get. . . because they are a fantastic read - with interesting history and great humor - let alone all the product info, details, offers, and answers to questions I had about shipping schedules!

Once again, I really appreciate you sending this to me directly.

And no prob with any mix-ups; or if adding me to the distro got delayed. It's all cool. :)

I am simply looking to "make the list" regularly, so I don't have to bother you or Maureen about being on the Friday mailers.

With that in mind, if I do not get this upcoming Friday's emailer at one of the addresses, I will get in touch again. Otherwise, rest assured, I will be enjoying the Friday emailers in the days ahead. . . and making sure to order directly through Critical Hit!

Thank you Ray (and the whole Critical Hit team) for your incredible production efforts and contributions to the wargaming scene - and thank you Maureen for the fantastic job you do in handling all the orders and making sure things run smoothly. :)
- All Best!
Still kicking. Just got done with a busy period at work. Module workable for Scenario 1 - next to add inf units for other scenarios. Have it setup to do a 6 map configuration which seems to be the biggest scenario size so far. If you know of any players that would want to test it out with me - send them my way.
Hi Ray,
This is a re-send of the Robot V2.0. It consists of 2 Word documents: ATS PLAYER AID INFILTRATION very 2 Robot Rules Bob Use And 4x jpg's of updated card sheets.
Challenged accepted, Ray! I’ll start putting together some thoughts on OBA Lite.

Also, I forgot to mention the large hex maps you’re putting out lately are awesome—keep ‘em coming! If you could match up the large hexes with king size counter collections for some of the more popular nationality OBs, I’ll be in ASLComp heaven.

Glad to hear the LE oil is making its way into Tapio engines. One thing our customers sometimes find when our oil is put into an older engine is that the engine may start to leak oil where it hadn’t before. The reason for this is that the engine’s old commercial-grade oil allowed contaminants to build up over time. The only beneficial side effect of all those contaminants is that they act as caulk in cracked/weakened seals. Once you replace the oil with LE, the LE oil’s powerful detergent package clears out all the crap that had been “sealing the seals” and now the seals start leaking. But at least you’ll know you have a seal problem before the seal is completely blown, and LE oil is specially formulated to keep seals lubricated and prevent further cracking.

Hi Ray,

I'm really sorry to a answer so late to your mail. I have no internet for 2 weeks now, and I hope to restore my connexion by the beginning of July. We moving from Bordeaux to Clermont Ferrand, two french cities for professional needs.

I'm very happy that my work is appreciated, but I think it's due to the great quality of the modules themself!

If you need to virtualize new module, be sure that I will help you with pleasure!

Best regards,



Dear Friend,

Please do forgive me for being so impersonal this year.

At least if the posts are held up by the weather, you should get this in good time. Please find attached Joy's account of our year. And if you have any children/grandchildren/nephews and nieces about, maybe assembling my impromptu Christmas card may occupy them for a few seconds.

All our most sincere good wishes for a happy, relaxed (if that's possible) Christmas and all the best for 2011.

Ian Daglish



I hope you are doing well. I have another ATS scenario being considered for Battles magazine. If you recall they used AOTT#3 Montelimar in Battles Mag #1. I am attaching a version which uses the VATS images. Let me know if this is OK or if you want to change the images to black and white or if you have no interest I will submit it with text only.

Have you seen Battles Magazine? It is a very high quality production game/game review magazine. Not sure if you have any interest in advertising in it or submitting games to them for inclusion for review. You may want to contact them as it is being very well received.

Let me know on the scenario.




Wanted to comment on your having seen Iggy Pop but ,,, just forgot honestly.

Last time I went to a non Barney or Wiggles concert was to see the Ramones in long island back in the 80's. Fun stuff but had to explain how my arm got a gash in the mosh pit at the IBM family picnic the next day.

Received the BRL1192 expansions this week but have been unable to do more than glance at them. Dad turned 87 today and we are planning a big do.

Finally and aside from all of that meaningless trivia when will Algeria be available in an ATS edition??? Get back to work! :)

Have a nice weekend.



Only if you have time: if you are busy, do not concern yourself with answer this...
If you were looking at primary sources, it means you have a pretty fantastic grasp of other languages. I had to read French for several papers I wrote, and with the sort of work I was doing... well, I can only bow at your command of the langauges. Reading languages is one thing; being good enough to do research... that is outstanding. No small wonder the great work you do for this company!


Seriously? Every time I want to open the digital rules I need to type in a password? Not cool. So much for reading a few pages of rules before bed on my iPad.


Hello Ray,

Just a short message to say thank you for the update on French Algeria; as well as the inclusion of additional items in the module!

Your bonus extras show that, once again, Critical Hit is willing to go above and beyond the call - even from what is first offered - and I truly appreciate that effort.


Ok, have to admit the overhead art is great for the infantry. There is a set for all the UK, Italian, German INF for the base game?


Mark B. from Texas by phone -- sez "best ever"



Your emailers are one of the highlights of my Fridays. The Dutch Trucks update had me in stitches! I can't wait for my set to come in!


Not sure about others but one thing that I loved about wargames and kept me into them as computer games became popular and detailed, were the physical components and pushing counters across maps. There is no law that says components have to be anything more than simply functional but given a choice who wouldn't want something that is attractive, detailed and pleasing the eye.

Obviously I'd love to see the Henschel Hs-129 in counter form.

any and all as long they bring something new or continue to raise the bar in quality and aesthetics.


This worked perfectly ... thank-you very much and have a great weekend!


WOW! Too much good stuff to order all at once. Couldn't be more pleased with the Torch and Kasserine releases. Really looking forward to getting the top down infantry too.


We had a huge Tobruk Game last Friday and having another one tomorrow at Elite Hobbies & ModelsLLC.

The Warhammer 40K Gang loves Tobruk! Who would have thought? Older gamers who played original Tobruk wanted to play Tunisia period. We also had the Grognards who wanted to play very early.

The wars raged on and I hope you see a spike in orders for the game!


Oh yea, wasn't sure about Tobruk Double Time until we played a big infantry assault . It worked great! Seriously like a whole new game. The DT scale works wonders for the BRL infantry fights.


L Rod

I was reminded of my visit to Bill 'L-Rod' Petty recently -- back when the research was underway for the first edition of Pointe du Hoc. Bill was still running his camp for disadvantaged boys in Carmel, NY -- remarkably, just as listed in Cornelius Ryan's "The Longest Day" notes. When I got there for the meeting, L-Rod's son opened the door with a Budweiser (aka "America" beer for now) in hand for me, and the old man had one cracked too in his study. I went in, and was pointed to a chair in front of Mr. Petty's desk, "that's the same chair Corny Ryan sat in when he was here..." and we got down to business, going over the game map created on site by artist and gamer Phil Nobo. The visit lasted for hours, including a phone call to other 2nd Ranger buddies, pulling notes from draws, and personal, post war stories. To that end, this week read up on the exploits of L-Rod Petty and use the LROD30 to get 30% off -- on us!


Please forward this to Ray Tapio,

I heard Ray was nominated for the industry's Hall of Fame and I just want to say he deserves this honor ten times over for his work as a pioneer for so many years!


NPR WaPo article


"The comments on NPR are like those on the WaPo online, except there seem to be far fewer. Many, and many more recently, are ill informed, uninformed, anger-filled, and even somewhat hateful. That's where the rub is for NPR, I think. My opinion is that NPR doesn't want to provide the platform for the hate, racism, narrow mindedness. So just say so."

NPR Release:

In July, NPR.org recorded nearly 33 million unique users, and 491,000 comments. But those comments came from just 19,400 commenters, Montgomery said. That's 0.06 percent of users who are commenting, a number that has stayed steady through 2016.

When NPR analyzed the number of people who left at least one comment in both June and July, the numbers showed an even more interesting pattern: Just 4,300 users posted about 145 comments apiece, or 67 percent of all NPR.org comments for the two months. More than half of all comments in May, June and July combined came from a mere 2,600 users.

From article:

Numbers like that make clear that comments sections aren't fostering conversation, they are killing it. A very small group of people are dominating every conversation, making it more difficult for someone who may be, say, an expert on a particular topic to offer their opinion for fear of being berated for trying to break into the club.



Thanks Ray,

I am happy to help any way I can - I loved this game since I was 12 - when
it first came out.


Thanks Ray. Keep up the great work. Sorry for the inconvenience


Thx Ray! I didn't expect that. I appreciate it. Order forthcoming.

Happy Holidays,


nice to see someone actually reads what i send! take care



Thanks, Ray!



OK Thanks looking forward to it.Thanks



I just want to add my kudos for these neat products...
I know a range-finder is a small thing, but what a cool idea... I am making a Khe Sahn map, and using that idea as it is a fixed position, and they probably had gunnery aids... As well as maybe an artillary officer or two... :)
And I am also looking forward to Hue...

Thank you very much!


I really like these weekly e-mails.
Thank you for this...


Hi Ray,

Thank you very much. The only thing I was wondering was how to download the VATS/vassal module as I am very looking forward to that aspect of the game.


> Issue solved, many thanks!


Ray - I am right with you. My "first" wargame as a teenager was Tobruk and I still have it in my collection.


Thanks for the Annual sent over. It looks great. Make me want to try one of those Ia Drang scenarios...


Dear Ray,

This was a real treat. Thanks so much for taking my suggestions under such thoughtful consideration. I can't wait to dig in to the new rules, and I'm certainly looking forward to the new Civil War releases. It's been an honor to work with you on such a worthy endeavor.




Ok Ray
I wait the Maureen's answer
Thank you 1000
Best regards


Have been working up materials for BRL1192 both with respect to design decisions (weapons) and the possibility of a Khaklin Gol expansion. Project delayed since business is booming this time of year and I'm lucky to get enough sleep/food/ family time. (I'm sure you understand) I'm a supporter of the system and want to make contributions .


Hi Ray,

Very impressed that you took a day off and spent it with family! With Father's Day next month, perhaps this could be the start of a trend...


Hi Ray,

Was reading your responses to the individual who had some issues with ATS Gettysburg. Your patience and ability to maintain a level tone throughout the conversation was most impressive. While reading I was hoping the anger would subside on his part. Maybe later...

Until next year, wishing you, Maureen, family and employees a very merry Christmas.


I give you credit for Annual 1, some interesting stuff in this Issue.


**Dear M:

Your order#xxxxx has been processed and ATS Tarawa was shipped to you on 08/18/16. Your USPS delivery confirmation# is 9xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.


Maureen-Customer Service**


I'm not going to have a place big enough to set up Tarawa for some time, but it's nice to know I'll be able to!






Thanks Maureen!

This shipment sounds like one of the hernia-inducers Ray wrote about a few
Fridays ago - can't wait to see it!